
Midnight at Ravenloft

Bran Castle - Brasov, Romania

If you’ve been wondering which adventure to choose for your next Exit Room visit, this blog series about each of our adventures will be your guide.

Adventure: Midnight at Ravenloft

Location: The Exit Room in Lee’s Summit, MO 

Mission: Your team is investigating rumors that Lord Stracht, the Master of Castle Ravenloft, has become one of the undead. If this rumor is true, your team must find the hidden vial containing the last few ounces of Lord Stracht’s human essence and save his immortal soul.  Can you do it before the clock strikes midnight?


Why it’s cool:  This adventure is dark and mysterious.  It’s stark furnishings may make it seem like it would be easy to find answers to clues, but it actually makes it more complex. This generation 2 adventure offers a great combination of physical locks as well as sensors, magnets, and electronics.  Surprises in the story abound, so expect the unexpected!

WebIMG_5702Room Idiosyncrasies: At The Exit Room, we like to incorporate things into adventures that have some personal meaning to us or that just add quirk.  Be on the lookout for several references to Tolkien’s works (can you find them all?). Oh, and the picture of Lord Stracht’s castle?  It’s actually the castle of Vlad the Impaler, and if you don’t know what that has to do with anything, look up the history of Dracula. 


 Why you’ll like it: If you like classic movies and books about vampires (think Dracula, not Twilight), you’ll love this room.  It has just the right amount of mystery, creepiness, and darkness to make it intriguing without being terrifying (although you may get a little jumpy).

Click here to book your adventure at Ravenloft Castle